World Mental Health Day: Benefits of an Organized Office
Today is World Mental Health Day. As office design professionals, we know a thing or two about the mental health benefits associated with having a tidy work environment. Regardless of your role or industry, we’ve outlined some major benefits you’ll experience with an organized, dedicated workspace.
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Though the benefits are countless, here are three ways an organized office can positively influence your mental health and mood:
Reduced Stress Levels –– There’s no doubt that having an organized office space can make you feel prepared to conquer the day. Some days are naturally more stressful than others, but by having an organizational system in place and a setup catered to your specific needs and goals, you’ll start every day with the right mindset.
Improved Concentration –– Do you feel like you can’t focus even when you’re alone and your notifications are muted? Maybe your office setup is the culprit. Ergonomic solutions, such as monitor arms, chairs, and height-adjustable tables, can also improve concentration by providing maximum comfort and support. The bottom line is that you should be focused on the task at hand, not the pain caused by an uncomfortable chair.
Increased Productivity –– When you know where your files, office supplies, and other essentials are stored, you’ll spend less time hunting things down and conquer your to do list in less time. In the grand scheme of things, this might not sound substantial, but over time, you’ll add valuable time back into your day.
You might not have originally understood the connection between your office and your mental state, but it is essential to maintain your space –– just like you maintain your mind. Together, we can design a space that inspires, motivates, and excites you. Get in touch with the OfficeWorks team of space planning experts online or give us a call at 865-588-7280 to learn more.